December 26, 2011

18th Century Obsession

Here's a post for those Post-Christmas blues.

So, I'm kind of crazy. My readers already know this, but the rest of the world doesn't. Or I guess they don't know it yet. I love all the great Jane Austen books, and I recently read Persuasion via Kindle. It was a really good book, but sometimes I get lost in the characters, or whose who, or why this person matters to the story. But I did finish in one day, and I'm starting to search for Austen-type movies to watch.  I started watching Downton Abbey from PBS, and I watched every episode from season one in a matter of days. Mind you that's a total of seven hours. (Watched Via Netflix) Then I proceeded to my favorite YouTube to see if there were any decent fan videos, which tend to be my favorite. I was also directed by my wise sister Jentry to where I saw the preview of season two, and I CANNOT WAIT. It premiers the 8th of January, and my heart will be all a flutter once more. Here are some of my favorite video's I come back to again and again.

(Other honorable mentions go to these films/miniseries:  North and South, Bleak House, Ang Lee's Sense and Sensibility, Jane Campion's Bright Star, the two newer versions of Jane on and so forth.) If I have missed any you enjoy, please leave them in the comment section.

Downton Abbey Season Two Preview

Epic Use of Sara Bareillis' "Breathe Again", and 18th Century Movies

My favorite Switchfoot song "Learning to Breathe", to Jane Austen Movies

So hopefully this will bring you some joy after the happiest day of the year. Enjoy!

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