December 18, 2015

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year eat humble pie

Hey Team,

Have you ever been locked out of a house that isn't yours, that contains animals you are in charge of? Yeah, me neither. Schlage locks are super tough to break into, just ask the locksmith I paid money to. I also had the innate pleasure of paying him $95 to climb through the basement window. Thank Heaven it was open, or we would have had to freaking call the police.

Keep your phone and single key on your person at all times. To make matters worse, I thought I had lost the check the couple had given me. But luckily the next night I found it. Debby always reminds me that if my head wasn't attached I would lose that too.

This all happened to land at the end of probably the most stressful week I've ever encountered in my four months here. I had a blood vessel pop in my eye, I was that stressed. But I'm coming down from the ledge.

To calm the nerves, Classical 89, the best thing to come out of BYU, (other than Brad Wilcox), has been featuring a ton of Choral Christmas music. It has been so wonderful. I found myself driving through City Creek Canyon last night with all of the new snow, and this happened to come onto the radio. I started welling up just thinking how grateful I was for snow. For Christ, for God, and for Christmas. Though sung in Latin, the English translation is as follows.

"O great mystery, 
and wonderful sacrament, 
that animals should see the new-born Lord, 
lying in a manger!
Blessed is the Virgin whose womb
was worthy to bear
Christ the Lord. 

Here's the University Singers.

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